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Individually bottled by hand in truly unique bottles

How each edition becomes unique in our manufactory

Again and again we are happy about messages from fans who upcycle their empty Skin Gin bottles to soap dispensers or lamps and don’t just put them into the trash. Besides the extraordinary taste in highest quality it is very important to us and our founder Martin that also the design gives you a special joy.
During the development of his special gin, Martin also deals with the design and is just as ambitious. For him it is clear that unique delight does not stop at the taste, but is an overall experience to which also the bottle design belongs. Martin comes up with the idea of using special papers in leather look. These have an extravagant and high-quality feel and look and should completely encase the bottle. This “skin” also gives birth to the name “Skin Gin”. But it should not remain with a “skin”. Because Martin has a philosophy: On the outside we are all different, but in our inside and heart the same. So different editions are always bottled with our original Skin Gin. 
As motif for the bottles and the logo, Martin has an anchor in mind. Shipping and the sea have always played a major role for him. Born in the seafaring nation of Denmark, Martin moved to Hamburg after his graduation and found his new home here. The anchor is for him a symbol that every person in the world has his home port, wherever it may be. Designed in Scandinavian style, the anchor is characterized by minimalism and simple formality.
After a long search Martin finds a small manufactory in northern Bavaria, which makes it possible to implement his ideas. To this day, every single bottle is complexly wrapped with the “skins” by hand in the family business. Using high-quality glossy printing ink, the motifs are applied in a manual printing process with large embossings. Afterwards, the bottles are individually filled by hand in our gin manufactory in Buxtehude. Each bottle is therefore a real unique piece. The different designs are developed per taste for your individual home bar. And from 100 bottles you can even realize an individual Skin Gin edition with us.

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